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NEXT GOAT MEAT AVAILABILITY IS EARLY 2025. We anticipate selling out of goat meat by March and not offering more until October. If you are interested, order early.
Our goats are sold for meat as WHOLE goats only. Our butcher will be happy to cut and package your goat according to your specifications. Goat meat is sold based on hanging weight. We estimate that our wethers (neutered male goats) to be 60-70 lbs at weaning age with a hanging weight of 25-35 lbs. Larger goats are available by pre-order.
Our goat meat is sold based on its "hanging weight". Hanging weight is defined as the carcass weight minus the head, hide and entrails. The hanging weight is approximately 50% - 60% of the live animal weight, and therefore you are not charged any of the waste product. So, a 70lb goat would have a hanging weight of approximately 35lbs -42lbs. After the meat is hung to chill for 24 hours, it is then cut to your specifications and double-wrapped to your specifications. At this time some of the bone is removed from the meat. Therefore, the final amount of goat meat you receive will differ from the hanging weight. You should expect to receive between 60-65% of the hanging weight as cut, wrapped meat. If you have questions about the butchering process please contact the farm.
Our goat meat is currently available as a whole carcass, two half pieces, or cut "family style."
"Family style" is into two hams, two racks of ribs, chops and ground goat meat. This can be modified to include more roasts (as in our example below).
"Family Style" goat yielded the following (note that this is a sample and yields will vary depending on the size of the goat):
2 leg roasts
7 packages of goat chops
2 packages ribs
2 - 1lb packages of ground goat
2 hams
4 packages stew meat
1 neck roast
NOTE: We can offer, at no additional charge: liver, tongue, kidneys and heart from your goat.
WE CANNOT OFFER: Head, blood, intestines, stomach, lungs or goat processed with the hair or skin on. We do apologize but these are requirements from our USDA inspected abattoir and not choices that we make or can alter.
All of our male goats are castrated so testicles are not available.
Our goat meat is priced at $7.50lb with a $50 deposit due at the time an order is placed.
Currently we do not have any goats large enough to process. Next available dates will be spring 2023. If you know that you want to reserve a goat, we recommend doing so as far in advance as possible. Closer to your time, we will let you know the exact date of your abattoir appointment and when your meat will be available for farm pickup. Once your appointment is scheduled, there is an additional $100 deposit due. We do not offer delivery.
NEXT AVAILABILITY IS EARLY 2025 and again in late fall 2025.